Citrus Fruit for Southern and Coastal Georgia
Jake Price has recently updated this valuable resource for homeowners and commercial citrus growers in Georgia. It covers everything from selecting varieties to establishing and caring for young citrus. Check it out here!
Factors that Influence Cold Hardiness in Citrus
One of the most common questions regarding citrus is how much cold weather they can withstand before they are killed. Most citrus growers are looking for a specific low temperature, but there is no simple answer to this question because there are so many factors involved in citrus cold hardiness. This publication details research and information on the relative cold hardiness of different citrus varieties in Georgia documented from the 2022 December freeze.
UGA Satsuma Bulletin - Maximizing the Value of Georgia-Grown Satsumas Through Food Innovation
The satsuma mandarin industry is a fast-growing industry in Georgia due in part to the state’s warm climate and optimal growing conditions. Satsuma mandarins are not only tasty but also healthy and nutritious. They are packed with nutrients and phytonutrients that can offer numerous health benefits to modern consumers. This bulletin identifies several opportunities in the value-added sector that can provide economic growth for the industry. This would diversify the industry’s product portfolio and contribute to its long-term sustainability. Overall, the future of the Georgia satsuma industry looks bright, with exciting opportunities for innovation and growth.
Plant Molecular Diagnostic Lab in Tifton is Now Certified to perform HLB testing in Georgia
The Plant Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory is currently a USDA certified lab to perform Huanglongbing (HLB or citrus greening) testing. We are excited to be able to offer this advanced test to commercial growers, homeowners, nurseries, Extension and research personnel, and the Georgia Department of Agriculture.
Since Candidatus Liberibacter species associated with HLB are regulatory pathogens and subject to PPQ regulatory and permit conditions, we will perform testing in accordance with USDA-APHIS standardized real-time PCR protocols and policies.
Click here for instructions of sample selection, collection, and shipping. The molecular test per sample is $80.00
We look forward to serving our stakeholders in Georgia. Please help us spread the word that we are certified to perform HLB testing in Georgia.
Links to Important Citrus Publications
Evaluating Fruit Quality in Citrus 2021-
Evaluating Fruit Quality in Citrus 2021-2022 -
How to Control Citrus Leafminers-
Free Publication "Maintaining Commercial Citrus in Georgia"
By Jake Price, County Extension Coordinator, Southwest District. Click here to view or download.
This publication addresses problem prevention, maintenance, insects, diseases, and some physiological issues of concern in Georgia. The time of year to address maintenance, insects, disease, and physiological issues is projected. Many of the production practices in Georgia are similar to those in Florida, but some, such as timing of fertility, are different. Many of the known insects and diseases of citrus have been confirmed in Georgia while others are yet to be confirmed. As new citrus trees and varieties are brought in from citrus nurseries in Georgia and other states, more production issues will arise. Many issues covered in this publication may not be present in all commercial groves, and other issues will certainly arise. Many citrus management problems can be prevented by proper planting techniques and by selecting the best citrus varieties and rootstocks adapted to our location. Planting healthy, disease free citrus trees in appropriate sites with adequate windbreaks and irrigation may prevent future issues and limit the need for many pesticide applications. Consult the University of Florida IFAS Extension Florida Citrus Production Guide for more information and pesticide recommendations.
Click here to view or download.